Michael Kamber a famous city of New York-based freelance writer and photographer for the New York Times. He has worked in West Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean, as well as the conflicts in Côte d'Ivoire, Congo, Liberia, Haiti, the Afghanistan and Iraq coverage. Apart from test pictures frequently published in the New York Times authors he also a diary of his experience of the Afghanistan. Lens blog began its records appear in December 2010 and in the newspaper.
His last entry - with more than a dozen of his excellent photographs - yesterday the lens blog entitled deep in unfathomable Afghanistan and read Michael log entries, I was forced to leave a comment on the blog.
Here is one of the entries in the journal of Michael, you are invited to comment:
He wrote:
Side of me is an Afghan, clearly an interpreter in accented English: Bob.
"What is your real name?" I ask him.
"My name is OMID." But the first day at this job, Sergeant asked me my name "ready". I told him: ' I have no name lent. My name is OMID. »
"OMID is too complicated to remember," he told me. "" "Now Bob is your name".
My comment on the lens blog:
"It is a pity that made guy, this absurdity is offensive and ignorant pronounced the interpreter are not as offensive OMID thanks to his stupidity and arrogance." Run what happens if the roles were reversed and the Afghan people, a Robert was saying this language name just off the coast of pas and whether it would be now called Mohammed? What Robert?
Omid can be proud of its name there probably a long line... and because we are dealing with his country, we should respect for those who their lives for a few dollars at risk to show one day and work with the U.S. Army.... Learn how to pronounce name, civil and respectful thing. Omid was adopted animals stray Sergeant pas.
"My s hat to Mr. Kamber citing... these and other statements in this piece, I am sure he is so upset that I you."
Read other entries added to my pessimism in the long term. We will never win. We're not (or unwilling) to meet the people we help by risking their lives, will win without allies, we except encourage your corruption. Check out our presence in Afghanistan as a cow milk and we finally had stabbed in the back.
One other thing. Check out the expression of Afghan Kamber over this post photo. He keeps a copy of a soul, chicken soup that he received from a well-intentioned U.S. charity. Who dreamed to send a collection of "inspiring" (in English) in Afghanistan platitudes? I can of course talk about Afghan for this, but I bet he saw the book with amusement and finally guffawed his friends from the naiveté of Americans.
Chicken soup for the soul to change the Afghanistan? Puzzled.
Addendum: I received a few comments sent by e-Mail on this post.
One reader of this blog suggesting that my post as military anti came from frequent. This is wrong. I am against the war... especially wars, which is not necessary in Iraq war and wars, the havoc transferred aimless in and supporting an unsustainable Government as the war in Afghanistan... and the least that we and our members - can do is respect the Afghanis or Iraqis who work for us, at the risk of their lives. I am convinced that the newspaper Kamber popular Mr. presented exception are.
Other e-mail from a handful of readers comments that agreed with my point of view.Posted by Bytewfic el Sawyat05: 06
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